H. A. Titus

Forged Steel Cover Reveal

Forged Steel Cover Reveal

Downtown. Coffee shop. 2 AM. One minute, Josh is firing off sarcastic remarks at his best friend Marc – the next, they’re running from shape-shifters. Apparently, even best friends don’t share all their secrets. Now Josh is in danger. He can see the monsters among the humans. When Marc is kidnapped, Josh finds himself pulled […]

Alphabet Blogging: Y and Z

Alphabet Blogging: Y and Z

I’m totally cheating, but Forged Steel releases next week (eeeeep!), so…yeah. This whole blog is going to be chock full of cheats, since these happen to be the two hardest letters of the alphabet to work with. So, here goes. Y is for Why I write. (See, told you I was cheating.) I’m sure I’ve […]

Checking In

Hey all! Sorry it’s been so long since I last posted… Life, I tell ya. 😉 First I was sick, then I was gone, then I was sick again, and now I’m trying to prepare Forged Steel for publication in mid-July (aiming for a July 17th release), so that has been eating up nearly every […]

Alphabet Blogging: X is for…

Alphabet Blogging: X is for…

Xeroxed characters. Have you ever read a book and thought that every single one of the characters sounded and acted the same way and even seemed to have the same motivations? It’s almost like the author just copied one character several different times, gave them a different hair or eye color to distinguish, and set […]

Alphabet Blogging: W is for…

Alphabet Blogging: W is for…

Worldbuilding. You guys are lucky today…you don’t have to listen to me ramble on! 🙂 Instead, I invited my friend L. N. Weldon, a master worldbuilder, to talk about it a bit. It’s a long post, but totally worth it. ~~~~~~~~~~ Worldbuilding. Worldbuilding. Worldbuilding. Worldbuilding. Worldbuilding. For a lot of us writers, the whole concept […]

Alphabet Blogging: V is for…

Alphabet Blogging: V is for…

The Vacant Stare. You know the one I’m talking about. That glazed-over, gazing-calmly-into-the-middle-distance look that writers get when they’re stuck or distracted. Depending on how close the deadline is, or how long the writer has been stuck, the Vacant Stare may or may not have an edge of unhinged panic to it. This can fall […]

Alphabet Blogging: U is for…

Alphabet Blogging: U is for…

Unobservant. I got called ‘unobservant’ as a kid a lot, usually because my nose was stuck in a book. My mom said, on more than one occasion, that the house could probably burn down around my ears without me noticing. In all fairness, it often took someone yelling in my ear–more than once–to get my […]

Alphabet Blogging: T is for…

Alphabet Blogging: T is for…

As an author, I’ve never forgotten how to daydream ~ Neil Gaiman Thinking–or, as some would call it, daydreaming. Do you ever just sit and stare out the window on a rainy day, or watch the side of the road as you ride in a car? For a while, I’d gotten out of the habit, […]