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Looking Forward

set goalsIt’s the time of year when we start looking at the upcoming year and resolving what things we’re going to change in the upcoming year.

Personally, I’m not much for making New Year’s Resolutions. I think if you are convicted about something in your life that needs changing, you should change it, regardless of the date on the calendar.

However, I do think it’s good to set goals, and the beginning of the year is a great time to do so.

So, my goals for the coming year, specifically my writing goals:

1. Sign a contract

Yeah, this has been a goal for about the last six years, but every year I feel like I’m getting closer. This is the year I sign a contract and get a book published.

2. Represent Splickety at writers conferences

I actually already have a jump on this one, as I have the honor of being co-emcee and a presenter for the Realm Makers Conference this year. I would also like to go to at least one more conference this year as a Splicketeer.

3. Complete at least two manuscripts and begin the submission process

I have one manuscript that is essentially complete (yeah, that’s the one that I finished right before the last Realm Makers) that needs to be edited before it can be submitted, and one that’s about half written that I need to finish. The one that’s nearly done except for editing is a supernatural thriller. At least, I hope it’s thrilling. I had a lot of fun writing it and uncovered some cool stuff while I was researching it. The one that’s half-written is a YA, I guess paranormal romance, although I may have to redefine that genre as I finish. Also on the to-do list, whenever I can get to it, is my children’s story, which is also written and in need of editing, but for which I’m having a harder time I’m finding a home.

So, there you have it. Not a lot, but if I complete all of those, I’ll feel like this was a really successful year. And of course, signing a contract isn’t entirely in my control, but that would be the highlight of my year. Obviously.

Wish me luck!



About Avily Jerome

Avily Jerome is a writer and the editor of Havok Magazine. Her short stories have been published in various magazines, both print and digital. She has judged several writing contests and is a writing conference teacher and presenter. She writes speculative fiction, her ideas ranging from almost-real-world action/adventures to epic fantasies to supernatural thrillers.

One comment on “Looking Forward

  1. It’s going to be a great year and I hope you accomplish all of this and much more!

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