Rebecca Minor

One Reason Reviewers Smack One Star Onto a Book

Hello friends and followers of NAF! Life in the Minor household has been a wild ride as we’ve begun 2013. Although my pseudo-resolution involved a desire to pare back the number of pots I have on the stove, so to speak, I haven’t quite gotten there yet. Right now, we have an offer on a […]

How Despicable?

In a conversation at our dining room table about the opening of my new work in progress, Valor’s Worth, my husband brought it to my attention that there was a line in the segment that he felt went over the edge in terms of graphic content. This came as a surprise to me, given previous […]

Illustrated Speculative Fiction

As a writer of fantasy, whenever I tell someone who is not a speculative fiction enthusiast what type of books I write, they always respond with the same words. “So you write for children?” (This is, of course, after they bury the expression that crosses their faces of “Oh, no. What kind of freakish conversation […]

A Year of Being Published

a short-term retrospective  This past week marked the one-year anniversary of my novella, A Greater Strength, being available as an ebook. Reaching this anniversary of being a published author has given me the opportunity to examine my own performance, my books, and the market, and formulate some opinions. Whether these opinions are astute or short-sighted, […]

Disney and Star Wars: a Match Made in…

The way that title ends depends on who you talk to. I will admit, I was a Star Wars fanatic back before any talk began of the prequel trilogy. Back in college, we played in the role-playing system that utilized the Star Wars universe, we listened to soundtrack highlights from the films made back in […]

Writing for More than the Fun of It

As I talk with newly published authors and those seeking publication, we all seem to have the same question: Will I ever be able to do this as more than a hobby? The fact is, writing is a full-time job, whether you can devote forty hours a week to it or not. Most of us […]

What to Expect When You’re Expecting (To Get Your Book Published)

So, you’ve finished a book? Congratulations! That places you among an elite minority of people who write. On the cusp of the ACFW Conference coming up later this month, many of you will be clutching those folders of one-sheets, chapter samples, synopses, and notes for your elevator pitch in trembling hands, and the only thing quite as terrifying as […]

The Buck Stops…Where?

The release of my first royalty-paying writing gig looms on the horizon. It’s a staggering reality that I’ve scarcely had time to think about, honestly, due to the last-minute hubbub that surrounds a book launch. And of course, with hubbub comes stress, which centers itself right in my gut. Edits (is it really tight enough?) […]